August News
Button-Up Restock Update
Unfortunately the 21 boxes containing my Button-Up and Midi Skirt restock didn't arrive (thanks, UPS!) so the restock will be a month or more late.
Story time! The boxes were in town the Friday before I was supposed to get them but then they weren't delivered Saturday as scheduled. I figured by Monday they would be delivered but no luck... Then I got an update saying they'll be delivered Wednesday and when I looked at the tracking it now said they were leaving my town to go to California. Confused, I called UPS and they told me the labels were suspected to be fraudulent and to reach to my shipper. I did a LOT of googling and the only information I could find were other people with this same issue on Reddit. No one gets their packages back from this. I tried reaching out to UPS but they were completely unhelpful. What happened was that somewhere in the shipping from my manufacturer to me someone bought fraudulent labels. When this is discovered UPS takes the packages and destroys them or auctions them. There is no way for me to get them back. Thankfully my manufacturer is remaking the shirts and skirts but it will take at least 30 days.
In the meantime I'm extending my Enamel Pin Sale until the end of the month. Use code: PINSALE at checkout to get 15% off all enamel pins.
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